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Draft Application Documents - Dogfennau Cais Drafft

The application documents are available to download below - Mae'r dogfennau cais ar gael i'w lawrlwytho isod

Environmental Impact Assessment - Appendices 

2.1 EIA Scoping Direction 

2.1 EIA Scoping Addendum 

5.1 Turbine Spec Sheet

5.2 Panel Spec Sheet 

5.3 MV Station Spec Sheet 

7.1 Planning Policies 

7.2 Methodology 

7.3 Cumulative Developments 

7.4 Assessment Visual Effects 

7.5 Landscape Character Baseline 

7.6 Landscape Designations Baseline 

7.7 Landscape Character Assessment 

7.8 Landscape Designations Assessment 

7.9 Residential Visual Amenity 

7.10 Transport and Rights of Way Assessment 

7.11 Assessment of Settlements 

9.1 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment 

9.2 Heritage Impact Assessment 

9.3 Cumulative Developments 

10.1 Legislation Policy & Guidance 

10.2 Phase 1 Desk Study 

10.3 Coal Mining Risk Assessment 

11.1 Habitats and Vegetation 

11.2 Protected Species

11.3 Bats 

12.1 - Ornithological Statutory Designated Sites 

12.2 - Non-Statutory Designated Sites

12.3 - Existing Ornithological Records (Non-Sensitive)

12.4 - Vantage Point Flight Activity Survey Plan

12.5 - Breeding Bird Survey Plan

12.6a - VP Flight Activity - Red Kite (Year 1)

12.6b - VP Flight Activity - Other Species (Year 1)

12.7a - VP Flight Activity - Red Kite (Year 2)

12.7b - VP Flight Activity - Other Species (Year 2)

12.8a - MBBS Results - Year 1 (2022)

12.8b - MBBS Results - Year 2 (2023)

12.9 - Breeding Raptor & Owl Search Results - Year 2 (2023)

13.1 Technical Note 1 

13.2 Outline Soil Management Plan

13.3 Cumulative Effects Assessment 

14.1 Transport Statement

15.1 Climate Change Guidance and Legislation 


17.1 NATS Technical and Operational Assessment (TOPA) 

17.2 MOD Response Letter

18.1 Legislation, Policy and Guidance 

18.2 Mathematical Equations 

18.3 Forgesolar Glare Analysis

19.1 Shadow Flicker Graphs 

20.1 Flood Consequences Assessment 

20.1A Coal Authority Map 

20.1B Greenfield Runoff Coefficient 

20.1C Calculation Sheet 

20.1D Maintenance Inspection Checklists 

20.2 Legislation and Policy 

20.3 Hydrological Walkover Survey Photographic record 

Environmental Impact Assessment - Drawings 

Drawings - Project Description 

BR10167-01 Site Layout 

BR10167-062 Turbine Transport Route 

BR 10167-065 Local Access Route 

BR10167-108 Wind Turbine Elevation 

BR10167-109 Substation Elevation 

BR10167-110 Access Track 

BR10167-111 Security Fence

BR10167-112 MV Station 

BR10167-113 Solar Panel Elevation 

BR10167-114 Cable Trench 

BR10167-115 CCTV Elevation 

Drawings - LVIA

(Photomontages can be found here)

BR10167 002 Topography

BR10167 007 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (Bareground 45km Study Area)

BR10167 008 Zone of Thereoteical Visibility (Bareground 20km Study Area) 

BR10167 009 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (Bareground 10km Study Area) 

BR10167 010 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (Bareground 2km Study Area)

BR10167 011 Visual & Sensory Aspect Areas (Classification)  

BR10167 012 Visual & Sensory Aspect Areas (Overall Evaluation) 

BR10167 013 Historic Aspect Areas (Classification) 

BR10167 018 Historic Aspect Areas (Overall Evaluation) 

BR10167 019 Geological Aspect Areas (Classification) 

BR10167 020 Geological Aspect Areas (Overall Evaluation) 

BR10167 021 Habitat Aspect Areas (Classification) 

BR10167 022 Habitat Aspect Areas (Overall Evaluation) 

BR10167 023 Cultural Aspect Areas (Classification) 

BR10167 039 Landscape Character - National Park and Local Character Areas (20km Study Area) 

BR10167 040 Non Statutory Designated Areas (20km Study Area) 

BR10167 041 Zone of Theoretical Visibility and County Boundaries (20km Study Area) 

BR10167 043 Zone of Theoretical Visibility with Nighttime Viewpoints (Bareground 10km Study Area) 

BR10167 044 Statutory Designated Areas (20km Study Area) 

BR10167 045 Cumulative Windfarm Locations 

BR10167 046 National Landscape Character 

BR10167 047 Access Network (20km Study Area) 

BR10167 048 Cumulative Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Operational Windfarms 

BR10167 049 Cumulative Zone of Theoretical Visibility - In Planning Windfarms 

BR10167 050 Cumulative Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Scoping Windfarms 

BR10167 051 Cumulative Solar Locations 

BR10167 055 Cumulative Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Consented Windfarms 

BR10167 062 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (Bareground 2km Study Area) with Residential Viewpoints 

BR10167 063 Special Landscape Areas 

BR10167-100.1-B Wireframe Residental Viewpoint 1

BR10167-100-A Location Plan Viewpoint 21 

BR10167-101.1-B Wireframe Residential Viewpoint 2

BR10167-102.2-B Wireframe Residential Viewpoint 3

BR10167-103.2-B Wireframe Residential Viewpoint 4

BR10167-104.2-B Wireframe Residential Viewpoint 5

BR10167-105.2-B Wireframe Residental Viewpoint 6 

BR10167-80-A Location Plan Viewpoint 1 

BR10167-80-B1 Central Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 1.1 

BR10167-81-A Location Plan Viewpoint 2 

BR10167-81-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 2.1 

BR10167-81-B2 Panorama & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 2.1 

BR10167-82-A Location Plan Viewpoint 3

BR10167-82-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 3.1 

BR10167-82-B2 Panorama & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 3.1 

BR10167-83-A Location Plan Viewpoint 4

BR10167-83-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 4.1 

BR10167-83-D Night-Time Photomontage Viewpoint 4

BR10167-84-A Location Plan Viewpoint 5 

BR10167-84-B1 Panorama & Wireline Viewpoint 5

BR10167-84-B2 Panorama & Wireline Viewpoint 5 

BR10167-84-B3 Panorama & Wireline (+180) Viewpoint 5 

BR10167-85-A Location Plan Viewpoint 6 

BR10167-85-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 6 

BR10167-85-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 6 

BR10167-85-B3.1 Panorama & Viewpoint (+180) Viewpoint 6 

BR10167-85-B4.1 Panorama & Viewpoint (-90) Viewpoint 6

BR10167-86-A Location Plan Viewpoint 7 

BR10167-86-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 7 

BR10167-86-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (-90) Viewpoint 7  

BR10167-87-A Location Plan Viewpoint 8 

BR10167-87-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 8 

BR10167-87-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 8 

BR10167-88-A Location Plan Viewpoint 9 

BR10167-88-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 9 

BR10167-88-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 9 

BR10167-89-A Location Plan Viewpoint 10 

BR10167-89-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 10 

BR10167-89-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 10 

BR10167-90-A Location Plan Viewpoint 11

BR10167-90-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 11

BR10167-91-A Location Plan Viewpoint 12

BR10167-91-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpont 12

BR10167-91-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 12

BR10167-92-A Location Plan Viewpoint 13

BR10167-92-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 13

BR10167-92-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 13

BR10167-93-A Location Plan Viewpoint 14 

BR10167-93-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 14 

BR10167-93-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (-90) Viewpoint 14 

BR10167-94-A Location Plan Viewpoint 15 

BR10167-94-B1 Location Plan Viewpoint 15 

BR10167-94-B2.1 Panorama & Wireframe (-90) Viewpoint 15 

BR10167-95-A Location Plan Viewpoint 16

BR10167-95-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 16 

BR10167-95-B2 Panorama & Wireframe (-90) Viewpoint 16 

BR10167-96-A Location Plan Viewpoint 17 

BR10167-96-B1.1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 17 

BR10167-97-B1 Panorama & Wireframe Viewpoint 18

BR10167-97-B2 Panorma & Wireframe (+90) Viewpoint 18 

BR10167-97-B3 Panorama & Wireframe (-90) Viewpoint 18 

BR10167-98-A Location Plan Viewpoint 19 

BR10167-99-A Location Plan Viewpoint 20  

Drawings - Historic Environment 

BR10167-024 Site Location Plan 

BR10167-026 Non-Designated History Assets 

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S1

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S2 

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S3 

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S4

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S5

BR10167-029 Historic Mapping S6 

BR10167-030 Extractive Areas 

BR10167-031 1945 Aerial Image with Non-Designated Historic Assets

BR10167-025 Designated Historic Assets 

Figures - Ecology 

Figure 11.1a Ecological Statutory Designated Sites 

Figure 11.1b Ecological Non-Statutory Designated Sites 

Figure 11.2a Existing Ecological Records (Non-Sensitive) - Priority Species 

Figure 11.2b Existing Ecological Records (Non-Sensitive) - Protected and Notable Flora and Fungi 

Figure 11.2c Existing Ecological Records (Non-Sensitive) - Invasive (Schedule 9) Flora 

Figure 11.3 Phase 1 Habitat Survey 

Figure 11.4 NVC Survey 

Figure 11.5 Protected Species Plan 

Figure 11.6 PRA Survey Plan 

Figure 11.7 Bat Activity Survey Plan  

Drawings - Transport 




Drawings - EMI 

BR10167-066 Utilities 

Drawings - Glint 

BR10167-001-ZTV and GGZ 



Drawings - Water Resources 

BR10167-032 Local Hydrology - 2km Site Buffer 

BR10167-033 Hydrological Walkover Survey 

BR10167-034 Abstractions and Discharges Within 2km of the Site 

BR10167-057 NRW Surface Water and Groundwater Body Catchments 

BR10167-058 Articifical and Superficial Geology 

BR10167-059 Bedrock and Linear Geology 

BR10167-060 Active and Historic Landfills 

Additional Drawings 

BR10167-061 Site Constraints and Surrounding Designations 

BR10167-062 Turbine Transport Route 

 BR10167-063 PRoW

BR10167-064 Viewpoints