Subsidiary Office:
Cerrito 1070 - Piso 3 - Departamento 71 1010 – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 232035-1010
E-mail: convatec.argentina@convatec.com
Oduber Agencias N.V. Aruba,Wayaka 33-B Oranjestad, Aruba
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (Australia) Pty Ltd
PO Box 63
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170
Subsidiary Office:
Schubertring 6 A-1010 Wien Tel: 0800 21 63 39
Gulf Pharmacy P.O. Box : 2576, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Street Address: Bldg: 2038, Road: 4156, Block: 341, Manama / Al Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17 239380
Fax: +973 17 232230
Collins Limited Barbados Collins Limited / Warrens Industrial Park Warrens / 00000 St Michael Tel: 246-425-4550 Distributor: Carib Rehab Ltd. Friendship Plantation St. Michael BB11032 St. Michael
Address: Centre Parc De l'Alliance Boulevard de France 9 1420 Braine-l'Alleud
Tel: +32 (0)800-12011 (toll free)
Ortopedija International d.o.o. Salke Lagudzije 12 71000 Sarajevo
Tel:+387 (33) 45 88 15 / 46 87 10
Subsidiary Office:
Ed. Corporate Plaza Alexandre Dumas, 2100 15o. and Suite 152
São Paulo 04717-913
Tel: 0800-7276-115
3 Victor Grigorovich Str. 1606 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 851 90 70
Freeline: 0800 18 808
Subsidiary Office:
1425 Trans-Canada Highway - Suite 100 Dorval, Quebec H9P 2V3
Tel: 1-800-465-6302
Fax: 1-877-437-1777
Subsidiary Office:
Av. Andrés Bello 2325, Oficina 08. Providencia, Santiago.
Tel: 56 2 8405201
E-mail: convatec.chile@convatec.com
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec China Pvt. - Beijing Unit 2701-2702, Yintai Office Tower Beijing Yintai Centre No. 2 Jianguomenwai Street Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, P. R. C. 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心C座27层2701-2702室
Customer Service Tel: +86 10 95105669 /+86 10 95105869 /+86 4006685560
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec China Pvt. - Shanghai Unit 1105 & 1106, Crystal Plaza Office Tower 1 No. 1359 Yaolong Road, Pudong District Shanghai 200124 P. R. C. Subsidiary Office: Convatec China Pvt. - Guangzhou City Unit 808, East Tower, Fortune Plaza No.114-118 Tiyu East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 510620, P.R.C. 广州市天河区体育东路114-118号财富广场东塔808
Customer Service Tel: +86 10 95105669 +86 10 95105869 +86 4006685560
Subsidiary Office:
Edificio Torre los Nogales Calle 76 # 11-35, Fifth Floor Bogota
Tel: 01-8000-112-433
SUMEDCO DE COSTA RICA S.A, Oficentro Universal de Alimentos, Blancos, Goicoechea. Detras de Motel el Eden, San José, Costa Rica.
BIOTEC BIOTECNOLOGIA DE, Condominio Comercial Don Hugo, Blv. De Rohrmoser, San José, Costa Rica.
Stoma Medical, d.o.o. Folnegovićeva 1c 10000 Zagreb
Tel: (385) 1-5508-999
Tel (toll free): 0800-8000
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Česká republika s.r.o. Olivova 4/2096 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: +420 225 109 111
Tel: +420 225 109 009 (StomaLine)
Tel: +420 800 122 111 (Toll free)
Fax: +420 225 109 900
Retail Location:
Ostrava U RADIMA Českobratrská 63 702 00 Ostrava
Tel: +420 596 618 459
Retail Location:
Prague U RADIMA Vinohradská 60 130 00 Prague 3
Tel: +420 224 254 007
Convatec Denmark A/S
Transformervej 14, DK-2860 Søborg, Denmark
Tel: +45 48 16 74 74
Email: convatec.danmark@convatec.com
Manufacturing Site Infusion Care – Osted Operations, Supply Chain, R&D and Quality Åholmvej 1-3 Osted (Roskilde) DK-4320 Lejre
Tel: + 45 48 16 70 00
Email: info.infusion-set@convatec.com
Boston Medical Device Ecuador Av. Pedro Ponce Carrasco E8-06 y Diego de Almagro. Edificio Almagro Plaza Oficina 1204 Quito Tel. (593 2) 5145140 Distributor: ALEM Av. Gaspar de Carvajal N30-53 y San Gabriel Quito
Tel: (593 2) 393 6000
Subsidiary Office:
22 Kamal El Din Hussein St, 3rd Floor Heliopolis Sheraton Post code 11977. Cairo, Egypt. Distributor: HEAD OFFICE
Tel: (202) 2419 1142 / 24182931
Fax:(202) 2417 5118 / 2290 1080 / 2291 5730
Address: 6C taksim Asmaa Fahmy- behind Administrative
Control HotLine: 16300
STOMACENTER Centro Ulceras y Ostomia Farmacia Medica 1ª Diagonal Dr. Arturo Romero N.328, contiguo al Club de Leones Colonia Medica San Salvador
Linus Medical OÜ Narva mnt 5 Foorum Business Centre 10117, Tallinn
Tel: 372 66 19 855
Tel (Tasuta Infoliin): 800 30 30
Subsidiary Office:
Keilaranta 16B 4th Floor (B4.r) and Basement (B-1.a) Espoo 02150
Subsidiary Office:
90 Boulevard National Immeuble Le Sigma 92250 La Garenne-Colombes Tel: 0800 358480 (customer Service free number)
Tel: +33 (0)1 56 47 18 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 78 40 00
ConvaTec (Germany) GmbH, Mühldorfstraße 8, D-81671 München
E-Mail: anfrage@convatec.com
Tel. for ostomy patients: 0800 – 1624382
Tel. for orders: 0800 – 1624381
Subsidiary Office:
317 Mesogeion Avenue Halandri, 152 31 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-210-6564740
Fax: +30-210-6564745
Corporación Amicelco, S.A. 5a. Avenida 4-12 Zona 1 Apartado Postal 515
Subsidiary Office:
Unit 1901, 19/F, Yue Xiu Building 160-174 Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔駱克道160-174 號 越秀大廈19樓1901室 Customer Service
Tel: +(852) 2516 9182
Replant4Care Kft. Nándorfejérvári út 35. H-1119 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 522 2888
Fax: +36 1 522 2889
Rep Office:
Hörgatún 2, PO Box 200 IS-212, Garðabær Reykjavik
Tel: +354 535 7000
Fax: +354 565 6485
Corporate Office:
Convatec India Unit No 206, Second Floor, Tower-B, Digital Greens, Sector-61, Golf Course Extension Road, Gurgaon-122102, Haryana
Customer Service Tel: +91 (0) 1 800 2674989
PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (a member of the ZUELLIG PHARMA GROUP) Cowell Tower Level 11 Jalan Senen Raya No. 135 Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 3456008
Diagnostic Way Agha building Ibrahim pasha St. Alsulaymaniyah, Iraq
Tel: +96477019337474 +964533203938
Email: management@diagnosticwaysul.com
Philtel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 14, Shenkar Street Kiryat Arie, Petach Tikva PO Box 3918 Kiryat Arie, Petach Tikva, 49130, Israel
Tel: 1-800-800-150 (Toll Free)
Gil Medical Ltd. 21 Gonen St. P.O.B 7701 Petach Tikva, 4925919, Israel
Tel: +972-3-9240288
Email: gilmedical@gilmedical.co.il
Subsidiary Office:
Via della Sierra Nevada, 60 00144 Roma
Tel: 800-930-930
Fax: 800-930-950
Health Brands Limited 76 Molynes Road Kingston 10
Tel: 876-901-9791
Fax: 876-937-5449
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Japan K.K., 1-1-7 Kouraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan
Customer Service Tel: 0120-532-384 (Toll Free) コンバテックジャパン株式会社 〒112-0004 東京都文京区後楽1-1-7 グラスシティ後楽 2階 カスタマーサービス 0120-532-384
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and ostomy care products:
Kawar Drug Store (KDS) Amman - Jabal Al Hussein - Al lud Street - Building 37
Tel: +962 6 5606512 / +962 6 5606513
Mob: +962 79 5752729
E-mail: kawardru@go.com.jo
Distributor for Continence and critical care products:
Rida Jardaneh Drug Stores (RJDS) Amman – Shmesani Sulaiman Al – Qanoni Street , Building 16 Shmeisani-Amman-Jordan, PO BOX 803, AMMAN11118
Tel: +962 6 5692351
Fax: +962 6 5692352
Central Circle Co. P.O. Box 1015 Salmieh, 22011-Salmieh - Kuwait Contacts: Dana (+965) 96901907 / Dina (+965) 96914837
Tel: (+965) 1869869
Fax: (+965)22445457
Email: cencico@centralcircleco.com www.centralcircleco.com
Linus Medical SIA K. Valdemara str 33A-3A, Riga, LV-1010
Tel: +37167316323
Fax: +371 67 294 865
Toll Free: 800 0 5333
Distributor for Wound Care and Ostomy Care products:
Care 4 Health Akl Building, 4th Floor Mar Roukoz Street, Hazmieh Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961 (0)5 956 410
Fax: +961 (0)5 953 453
Email: info@care4health.com
Contact: Joe El Macary - macary.joe@gmail.com
Tel: +961 (0)3 214 506
Distributor for Continence and Critical Care products:
Droguerie de l'Union Sal Ghorayeb building, Main road P.O.Box 166-715, Baabda Lebanon
Contact: Mr. Fadi Ghorayeb - fjghorayeb@d-union.com
Tel: +961 5 924 162 (ext. 500)
Linus Medical UAB Ukmerges g. 223, LT-07156 Vilnius
Tel: 370 52639698 / 8-800 70001 (Toll free)
Fax: 370 52639626
RSR N. Macedonia Ltd import-export Skopje
Jordan Mijalkov 48/5, 1000 Skopje North Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3122 797
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Suite 28-1, Level 28, Vertical Corporate Tower B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, Bangsar South City, No. 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Toll Free: 1800-8806-01
Tel: +60 12 287 0856
Ian Pace Limited Tibet 10, Onorato Bres Street, Ta'Xbiex XBX1040
Tel: +356 2133 4412
Mobile: +356 7944 7497
Manufacturing Site:
Reynosa Ave. Industrial Falcón, Lote 7. Parque Industrial del Norte Reynosa, Tamaulipas Ave. Fomento Industrial, L-9, M-3, Parque Industrial Del Norte, Reynosa, Tamaulipas
Subsidiary Office:
Mexico City Oso 40 Mezzanine Colonia del Valle. Mexico DF 03100
Tel: 5255-5524-0683
Clinic Ave. Insurgentes Sur 1871, Colonia Guadalupe Inn. Mexico DF 01020
Tel: 5255-6379-7331
Subsidiary Office:
Papendorpseweg 95 & 97 3528 BJ Utrecht
Customer Service: +31 (0) 800 – 330 00 10 (toll free)
Wound Information: +31 (0) 800–022 44 60 (toll free)
Stoma Information: +31 (0) 800 – 330 00 10 (toll free)
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (New Zealand) Ltd
PO Box 62663
Greenlane, Auckland NZ 1546
Tel: 0800 441 763 (toll free help line)
Subsidiary Office:
Nils Hansensvei 2 N-0667 Oslo
Tel: 800 30 995
Muscat Pharmacy & Stores. L.L.C Street 44, Building N. 51, Block No: 144, Near ROP Garage Muscat 113, PC-100
Tel: +968 24814501 (ext. 153) +968 99383932
US Pharmacy Group Costa Del Estes Avenida Centenario - Edificio 31
Panama City Distributor:
ALTA TECNOLOGÍA MÉDICA, S.A. Bethania La Gloria, Calle 17 C Norte, Casa 21 i Panama
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Perú SAC Office No. 806, Monterrico Av. La Encalada 1010 C.C., Mz. 1-2 Lt. 23 and 24 Santiago de Surco, Lima15023
Tel: +51 1 683 0358
Cardioperfusión EIRL Av. Armendariz 533 Miraflores Lima - Perú
Tel: +51 1 2040606
Getz Bros. Philippines, Inc 5th Floor, Ortigas Building, Ortigas Avenue 1600 Pasig City, Metro Manila
Tel: +63 2784 0400
Fax: +63 2631 1636
Subsidiary Office:
Al. Armii Ludowej 26 00-609 Warszawa
Tel: 0-800 120 093 / 022- 579 66 50
Subsidiary Office:
Kvtech Portugal – Produtos Médicos Unipessoal, Lda. Avenida da Liberdade, nº144 – 7ºDto. 1250-146 LISBOA
Tel: + 800 20 16 78 – Linha de Apoio ao Ostomizado (Chamada Gratuita)
Tel: 707 201 187 – Linha de Apoio ao Cliente (Customer Service Iberia)
Fax: 707 201 189 – (Customer Service Iberia)
Disponibilidad de Productos y Represéntate de Ventas:
Cardinal Health Puerto Rico -Servicio al Cliente MQ Área metro
Tel: (787)-625-4222
Toll-free: (888)-330-7853
Email: cusermq@cardinalhealth.com
Apoyo Clínico y Técnico Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
Toll-free: 1-(800)-422-8811
Email: cic@convatec.com
Servicios a Pacientes Ostomizados Programa me+
Toll-free: 1-(877)-585-0470, Opción #1
Email: cvtconcierge@convatec.com
Distributor for Wound therapeutics and Ostomy care and Critical care products:
Al Danah Medical Company Gate #4 Naser Bin Khaled Complex Salwa Road, Doha P.O. Box:14485
Tel: +974 4 4691122, +974 4 46911223
Distributor for infusion devices products:
Atrium Medical CareWLL Office # 303, 2nd Floor, GREDCO III Bldg No: 26 C Ring Road (opp Turkish Hospital & besides American Hospital) Doha, Qatar
Email: info@atriumcare.com
Tel: +974 4 4369438
Fax: +974 4 4131165
S.C. ROMBIOMEDICA S.R.L. Str. Nikolai Gogol, Nr. 1A, Et. 1, Ap. 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel: 004.021.310.42.01
Email: contact@rombiomedica.com
Salehiya Medical Abdullah Bin Suliman Alhamdan Street Alsulymaniah District P.O Box 991 Riyadh 11421
Tel: +966 11 464 6955
TT Medik Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10D/I YBC 11070 Novi Beograd
Tel: 0800 101 102
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 456 Alexandra Road #18-01/02, Fragrance Empire Building Singapore 119962
Customer Service
Tel: +65-62459838
Fax: +65 6245 2968
Manufacturing Site:
Michalovce Priemyselný park 3 071 01 Michalovce
Tel: +421 6815 111
Unomedical, s.r.o. Štúrova 71A 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
StomaLinka: 0800 800 111 (pre volajúceho zadarmo)
Valencia Stoma-Medical d.o.o. Gregorčičeva ulica 9 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 080 15 45
Subsidiary office:
Convatec South Africa Proprietary Limited
Office 1.4, First floor
16 Baker Street
Rosebank Johannesburg 2196
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and Ostomy Care products
1 Sabax Road, Aeroton, 2023
Subsidiary Office:
4F, American Standard B/D Yeongdongdaero 112gil 66, Gangnam-Gu Seoul, Republic of Korea. 06083 서울시 강남구 영동대로 112길 66 4층 콘바텍코리아 (우편번호: 06083)
Customer Service Tel: +82-2-3453-6333
Subsidiary Office:
Calle Constitució, 1 - 3ª planta 08960, Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 6023700
Oduber Agencies N.V. Illidge Road 48-1 Philipsburg
Tel: 599-5423-542
Fax: 599-5424-162
Intermed Gompertsstraat 46 Paramaribo
Tel: 597-450470
Fax: 597-450470
Subsidiary Office:
Floor 4 1011 Betongblandaren 12, Gardsfogdevagen 18 B 16866 - Bromma
ConvaTec (Switzerland) GmbH, Herrenacker 15, CH-8200 Schaffhausen
Tel. 0800 55 11 10
E-Mail: convatec.switzerland@convatec.com
Tel. 0800 - 55 11 10
Fax: 0800 - 82 03 40
E-Mail: ch.kundenservice@convatec.com
Subsidiary Office:
Taipei 5F Unit 4, No. 57, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105 (R.O.C.) 台北市復興北路57號5樓
Customer Service Tel: +886 2 2175-9989
Subsidiary Office:
Kaohsiung City Kaohsiung - Commercial Building 5F (Unit 5C) Jio-Ru 1st Road No.502 Kaohsiung City 807 高雄市九如一路502號5樓C室
Customer Service Tel: +886 7 392 7676
Subsidiary Office:
Unit No. 5, 9th Floor, M. Thai Tower 87 Wireless Road Lumpini Phatumwan Bangkok 10330 Thailand Customer Service
Tel: +662 614 7000
Medical Marketing Co. Ltd. 22 Queen's Park West, Commercial Area # 2, Port of Spain
Tel: 1-868-622-0614
Fax: 1-868-628-5569
Local Distributor:
GMS - GROUPE MEDICAL SERVICES 4 Avenue Haroun Errachid Mutuelleville Tunisi - Tunisia
Tel: +216 71 794 233, +216 71 793 889, +216 58 324 587
Fax: +216 71 791 752
Yacine CHEBIL - General Manager - yacine.chebil@gnet.tn Mounir Jaidi - Sales force supervisor www.facebook.com/gmstunisie/
Subsidiary Office:
Ayazağa Mah. Mimar Sinan Sk, A Blok No:21A İç Kapı No: 9, Sarıyer, 34396 Istanbul, Turkey.
Tel: 90 216 416 52 00
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and Ostomy Care products:
City Pharmacy Co. Flat 901, Al Otaiba Tower Hamdan Bin Mohammed Street P.O. Box 2098, Abu Dhabi
Tel: +971 2 6730790, +971 6 5355575 (Sanaeya/Sharjah office), +971 6 5553922 (Buhairah/Sharjah office), +971 3 7213951 (Al Ain Office)
Distributor for Critical Care products:
DuPharm LLC M5-Abdul Aziz Almajed Building, Muraqqabat St. Deira, Dubai - P.O. Box 16635
Tel: +971 4 2685054
Fax: +971 4 2620787
Contact: Dr. Rajai Awad
Email: dupharm@eim.ae
Ecomed 4th Khoryva Iane, Suite No. 18 04071 Kiev
Tel./fax: +380 44 451 85 51
E-mail: info@ecomed.ua
9 Syretska St., Kyiv,04071, Ukraine
Tel./fax: +380 44 498 23 96
Corporate headquarters
7th Floor, 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LG
Manufacturing site Rhymney
Units 1 & 2, Heads of the Valleys Industrial Estate, Rhymney, Tredegar, NP22 5RL
Tel: +44 (0) 1685 846300
Manufacturing site Deeside
Unit 20 - First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2NU
Tel: +44 (0) 1244 584 254
Research & Development GDC Building
First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2NU
Tel: +44 (0) 1244 584 300
Amcare Group
Progressive House, The Health Business & Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QX
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Distribution Centre North
39B Pallion Way, Pallion Industrial Estate, Pallion, Sunderland, SR4 6SN
Tel: +44 (0) 191 5108892
Amcare Distribution Centre South
Suite 5.01, Network House, Basing View, Basingstoke, RG21 4HG
Tel: +44 (0) 125 6300150
Amcare CC Cheltenham:
Unit 2, Guillimont Health Centre, Stoke Road, Bishops Cleave, Cheltenham, GL52 8RP
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare CC Lincoln
J2 The Point, Wever Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Dartford
The Coach House, 1 Hedge Place Road, Greenhithe, Kent, DA9 9JZ
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Nottingham
Unit 14, Farrington Way, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG 16 3FB
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare South Shields
6 Waverley, Long Row, Market Dock, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 1LE
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Stirling
Unit 4, Step Commercial Centre, Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling, FK7 7RP
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Subsidiary Office:
200 Connell Drive - Suite 1000, Berkeley Hights, NJ 07922
Subsidiary Office:
Greensboro 7815 National Service Road - Suite 600 Greensboro, NC 27409
Tel: 1-336-855-5500
180 Medical, Inc.
5324 W. Reno, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Tel: 1-877-688-2729 (customer service)
Symbius Medical
2311 W Utopia Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Tel: 1- (623) 780-8686
Tel: 1-800-948-1868 (customer service) www.symbiusmedical.com
Technology Centre 20 Maguire Rd Lexington, MA, 02421
UruFarma Juan R. Gómez 3265 CP 11600 - Montevideo,
Tel: +598 2487 2748
Email: contacto@urufarma.com.uy
Cong Ty TNHH B.H.C 145 Dao Duy Anh Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan Dist, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 84 28 3847 6670
Fax: 84 28 3997 0484